Monday, August 29, 2022

Welcome to the 2022 Gender and Development Class Blog!

Welcome to the GEOG 6430 class blog. To get inspired about what you might post on this blog and to see the format that blog posts often take, please look at posts from the previous class. You may also want to look at my other class blog (for my Social Geographies class) for inspiration. Please feel free to "comment" to this post with examples of other blogs that GAD students might find inspiring.

Just as a reminder, here are the requirements for this assignment:

In addition to participating in the classroom, we will have a class blog which will allow you to reflect on the readings and class discussions, connect them to your own life and experiences, and exchange ideas with classmates.  This assignment is therefore intended to help you think about the class material in new and different ways and interact with your classmates (and potentially the wider public) in an online setting.  You will be expected to participate in the class blog a minimum of six times throughout the semester.  At least two of your blog posts must be new blog entries, and four must be comments/responses to another blog post on the site. 

New blog entries are worth 5% of your final grade and should:

-          be carefully thought out and directly related to that week’s readings and/or class material;

-          explicitly refer to class readings;

-          be at least two to three paragraphs in length (400-600 words); 

-          contain links to and/or discussion of outside sources which relate to the week’s readings (including other webpages, images, youtube videos, etc).  These sources should help facilitate a discussion of the course topic;

-          be free of spelling or grammatical errors.

Blog responses are worth 2% of your final grade and should:

-          be at least one to two paragraphs in length (200-400 words)

-          indicate that you are familiar with class readings (including other students’ blog posts)

-          be free of spelling or grammatical errors.


You may contribute to the blog as many times as you want, but only two blog posts per grading period will count toward your final grade (i.e., you can’t do all six posts in one week for credit).  The blog grading periods are noted on the course schedule.

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