Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Playing with Fire - a poem by Fatou Janneh

 Fatou wrote this poem based on our reading Playing with Fire. She can't access the blog so I'm posting it for her!

Playing with Fire


Playing with fire

Frights hearts like August-thunder

As days pass by

Starts shine dark

Eyes bleed

Mouths fume with complaints

Problems drumbeats

Collective lives in dilemma?


People power

With voice and trust

Abused and belittled

By custodians of culture?

Culture and religion?

‘Monarchs and tyrants’?


Imams and priests praying for salvation

When deeds and words

Are yet to be coupled

Just gambling for external life


But what’s the role of government in this?

States and regions

Districts and village heads

Structure of power overshadow

Light of bright future

Is this will of God?

O female curse?

Oh noo!


Politics of purity, religion, casteism and class

Branded by masculinity and patriarch

Intoxicated by violence

Nurturing gambling and alcoholism

While matrimonies turn to hell

Graves yearning for new homes

For the restless minds


Collective lives in dilemma?

For your silence

Will not protect you!

Oh woman!

Bearer of pain and suffering

For you are not on your tod

For up and coming

No bete-noire

The sound of xylophone calls upon you

For joyous moment

Your power within power

That nurtures humanity

Must save you now

Break the chain and weep no more!

The unpopular song is now embraced

Giving the beginning to a new beginning


  1. Woow, I have never thought of writing poem for this class. This is great Fatou! I loved the second paragraph, religion and culture are mostly seen as a hindrance in development of women in the past.

    Great job Fatou!
