Thursday, October 13, 2011

Miss Representation

While conducting research for my Special Issue project on gender and media representation, I stumbled upon this film's trailer. I personally cannot wait to watch this film. Let me know what you think about this. Do you agree? Disagree? Is the issue being blown out of proportions? Or not being highlighted enough?


  1. I'm definitely looking forward to this film! I think the issue is definitely not being blown out of proportion. In fact, not enough attention is being paid to the representation of women in media. I'm glad that someone is bringing it to the fore. But it will take a lot more than this film to effect change...It requires the voice the action of every woman who realizes the danger of that type of misrepresentation.

  2. Can't wait to watch this movie. While I have been aware of impacts of media to the younger generation. I had not known the impacts as adverse as this movie trailer depicts. It's critical that the government have failed to control what is shown in national TV programs as well as published in magazines and other types of media. While there is "miss presentation" of women, younger children are too much exposed to things that can only ruins not only good morals but also their destiny. The future of any generation is more important than any social-political driven capitalism.
