Sunday, October 21, 2018

Who is a man?

Now I'm confused!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Summer,

    That was quite a video ….. �� First, there is a lot of generalization – starting with “The MAN” - that may fuel a lot of frustration. Second, the arguments are just anecdotic. I haven’t heard a well-informed reasoning at all. It doesn’t seem the author to have done much of the meaningful reading or preparation in terms of genuine understanding of the real issues at stake. And lastly, what is his message? Is it that we should change to improve the men’ condition, or maybe resist the on-going changes which tend to benefit women? Either way it is a call to broadening the gap even more. I personally see it as just an element of resistance to change, which is just normal for any change. One should expect such resistance coming from a man rather than a woman, I guess….

    I think there is no question that men are privileged compared to women in pretty much any society nowadays. Having said that however, I also understand that there are hundreds of thousands of men who have to suffer a lot from the way their societies are structured (not to suggest that their suffering is even close to that of their women counterparts, though). Therefore, there is nothing wrong with being emphatic with such men. In most contemporary societies, men are also being assigned conventional roles and expectations at birth and many of their future actions are scrutinized in the public eye against those expectations.

    Assuming the good intention of the author, this video may be willing to convey this message of empathy. In my opinion however, it is a bad production and may have an adverse effect of fueling even more conflict.
