Saturday, September 5, 2020

"Five big wins ushered in by the landmark Beijing Platform for Action"


In Beijing, China, 25 years ago, international society made a commitment to equal rights and opportunities for all women across the world. Although the UN has had some achievements over the past 25 years, the primary challenge in implementing its policies and project is the lack of women's agency and participation during policymaking.  Frequently, these policies, instead of tackling women's challenges, have broadened the gender disparity because they lack a mechanism to address women's realities. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really enjoyed your post. China taking the step 25 years ago to create equal rights and opportunities for women is impressive, given that they are a communist society. However, research has shown that even after 25 years of their commitment to promoting women equality, women are still being marginalized. It is rather unfortunate that the country has not been able to put in place policies that push for implementation of this commitment

  3. Most often international agencies meet and make policies concerning the rights of women. As always, these decisions remain on paper and are not implemented for reasons best known to the various countries who joined hands to put the policies together.
    Women in the patriarchal society are hardly given the opportunity to develop to the stage where they can equally compete with their male counterparts for higher positions. It is sad that 25 years later, we are still fighting for equal rights for women and girls
